Tuesday, December 16, 2008

saye dah abis final =)


alhamdulillah...selesai sudah semester second last kat snih...seronok2 sebab dah lameee tak abes final awal dari orang laen..or rather...rase cam tak pnah jeee abes final awal dari orang len...hihihi..camni rupenye rase abes final awal....tade beza pon...just kadang2 seronok laa kot nk kaco2 orang...hehehe~

doa kan kejayaan anakanda yeee mi aba...cuak and nervous jugak sem nih....^_^


p/s: so now...let's P-A-R-T-Y !!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

groundhog day

it's like i'm stuck with the same routine everyday

you wanna change the routine and do something else

but somehow after you try you are still doing the same thing

and that is sooo depressing..

i want something new...something refreshing....i want a CHANGE in my life!

i think i'm just gonna have to put an extra effort into it and work my best for the change laa kan?
may Allah make it easy =)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Eid Mubarak


Salaam Aidiladha dari saye untuk semua...

semoga kita menjadi lebih berani dan kuat untuk berkorban menjadi hamba Nya yang lebih baik..insyaAllah...

Thursday, November 13, 2008

stop and listen


Did we ever realize...mase kite bace setiap satu huruf dan perkataan dan ayat al-Quran itu...setiap satu itu dari ALLAH....tak ubah langsung...memang itu ape yang Allah hantar pada kita...untuk kita ingat padaNYA.....bukan sahaja semasa baca...tetapi untuk dijadikan our way of life..supaya kite lebih ingat padaNYA....

how amazing? setiap makne dan setiap cerita dalam al-Quran itu adalah kata-kata dari Allah sendiri..bukan dalam bahasa oleh mane2 orang....

Allah is always talking to us...kita yang kena cari dan pergi pada DIA....

bile kite rase
down dan sedih dengan diri sendiri atas kesilapan kita....
Allah kata "
Katakanlah: Hai hamba-hambaKu yang melampaui batas terhadap diri mereka sendiri, janganlah kamu berputus asa dari rahmat Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah mengampuni dosa-dosa semuanya. Sesungguhnya Dia lah Yang Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang" (39:53)

bile kite rase
marah dan tak puas hati...
Allah kate "
Kalau demikian, bersabarlah dengan sebaik-baiknya...."(12:18)

Allah is always talking to us...we just have to take the moment to listen and follow.....


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

jalan keluar


dah lame juge tidak update...

current status: lapa..lately asek lapa...mengape yee? pelik2..tapi mungkin logic jugak..sebab sehari makan sekali jee?..so selalu laa lapa jadiknyee kan?..huhuhu

plan harini: lepas abes seminar at 5..rush home solat maghrib...pegi rec lari2...pkl 6 lebih balek...makan INDIA..yummm2.....=D...tido mari?...hihihi...around 8 or 9 stat belajar untuk exam jumaat...pukul 1 tido?

oh2..juge kene register class for next semester...rasenye dalam sejarah kot senior amek 17 hrs...tapi...jangan tetipu...sebenarnye sebab amek class Arab yang 5 hrs...sebenarnye hanye perlu 9 hours...hehehe...tapi takpe...tak busy sangat pon kott?...hehe

lagi ape nak cite?...emmm...oh..isu duit JPA macam sudah setel...ape2 pon..alhamdulillah issue has resolve and akan kaye semule...hihihihi ^_^

ok..this entry is sooo tak bagus....ramblings semate...tapi takpe..nak update jugak....

on a totally different note, want to leave you guys ngan something...

Barangsiapa bertakwa kepada Allah, nescaya Dia akan mengadakan baginya jalan keluar. Dan memberi rezeki kepadanya tanpa di sangka-sangka. Dan barangsiapa yang bertawakal kepada Allah, nescaya Allah akan mencukupkannya. Sesungguhnya Allah melaksanakan urusan yang dikehendakiNya. Sesungguhnya Allah telah mengadakan ketentuan bagi tiap-tiap sesuatu.

Allah menyediakan jalan keluar tanpa kite menduga...okay..nak focus dalam seminar ;P..later~

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

People have voted for change


Meet the new President of United States of America

this is the new hand that will change the world...hope it is for the better of all of us....

it is a challenging time Obama to start working during time of recession, juggling wars at two countries, Iraq and Afghanistan. Obama has said his first order of presidential business will be to tackle the economy. He has also pledged to withdraw most U.S. combat troops from Iraq within 16 months.

Best of luck to the first black President in America on January 20th 2009!

Malaysia bile lagi nak anjakan paradigma camnih?

Friday, October 31, 2008

off hinting and asking


a very un-menambahkan ilmu post..just want to write about things...bile tade duit nih...rase nak beli all the things in the world possible....here's the top two

i have this really jahat idea...i want an iPod Touch for my birthday next year..or even better a Macbook Pro....and i was thinking of hinting my abang to get me one...hihihi...but how do i drop the hint kan?...i don't want to be like 'angah ..can you get me an iPod touch for my besday?'..no fun there..the feeling of getting a present cam tade because we asked for it...haiih...i'm too complicated laaa....tapi betul..tak seronok kalau mintak...tapi kene bagi hint so that dia tau ape yang kite nak...get it?.... and surely mi and aba will be reading this post soon...this is just a nakal thought i have tau..nothing serious about wanting it..tapi kalau dapat bagus jugak...haha ^_^
anyway...my birthday is like gejillion years lagi...lambat sangat lagi...so..by that time agaknye i already have other things in mind i wish i had...haha...anyway..this is just one of those silly ramblings i do...later!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

best friends

copy pasted from some website.thought it suited the mood. =D..thanks to all my friends for always being there ^_^

I have a best friend. I like my best friend. But, one day, we had a stupid little fight. That stupid little fight somehow led to a big fight that had cause us to make stupid decision of not being friends with each other anymore. This hurt me so much.
i missed having a friend to talk to about everything.
talking to 10 different people about the same thing won't feel the same as talking to that best friend.
i missed making fun of the best friend.
i missed hanging out with the best friend.
i'm sorry for being a difficult person.
i'm sorry for not being a good best friend.
i'm sorry for every hurt i've done.


i'm also tired of chasing after the best friend
you always said you were someone that treasures friendship
why did you say i threw it away when it was you that turn down my sorry?
shouldn't best friend look past our mistakes and forgive us when we ask for apology?
maybe losing this best friend taught me to be a better best friend to others and also show me that i don't need a best friend who feel satisfied when i'm down and can't look past my mistakes

Thursday, October 23, 2008

cabin fever


My Fall Break was awesome! Going back to nature was a really great idea and fun! Staying in a cabin for a whole 2 nights was really an experience to remember...lebih2 lagi cabin yang kali nih sangat2 penuh dengan orang and also sangat2 atas bukit ....hehehehe.....

I've been to a cabin before..and that cabin was great too and bigger...but time tuh we didn't have too much time to go explore the nature like this time.....

The new cabin experience brought up more feelings than before..agaknye sebab dulu cam dah penat travel ke tempat laen kott?...hehehe...

anyway...one MUST tell story at this new cabin is that on our very last night dekat cabin tuh...after dah penat jalan2 dekat downtown Gatlinburg and pegi Haunted House...we were surprised by a blackout kat cabin tuh!....dah laa few minutes before tuh dapat mysterious phone calls beberape kali.....haaaa! cuakkan?....alhamdulillah time tuh all the girls were together up stairs cuddling together on the bed..klu tak kan susah klu sorang tengah mandi ke...sorang kat dapo kee....haru!...but me..time tuh tengah berus gigi...naseb bek I had the bathroom door open...klu tak mau nanges jugak kot....hahahaha...but..in the end...it was nothing serious pon...we got the lights back after 10 minutes....and the boys were cool jugak pegi check things kat luar and all...and they were really lucky to have found a rakoon tengah jalan2 dekat luar....agaknye encik rakoon tuh kot yang langgar mane2 wiring sampai blackout...hehehhehe

and on our last day..kitorang pegi jalan2 dekat atas bukit tinggiiiiii redah2 hutan sket and main2 dekat sungai...the air was soooo refreshing and the view was breathtaking! sangaaaaaaaaaaat!
masyaAllah..all praise to Allah....element sangat simpe - air, batu dan pokok.....Allah jadikan sangat indah susunannye sampai kite yang tengok nih rase tenang and fresh....tak tipuuu....
we also prayed there..in the middle of the sungai...on top of some batu2...of course I stayed at the very back and paling ke tepi...nontheless...solat kat tengah sungai .... tak terkata....kene experience sendiri...and one small detail.....saye jatuh dalam air sungai and basah separuh badan...how unbalanced and clumsy can I be kan?....^_^

lastly...bende yang tak so back to the nature - bought a new shoe...happy2 sebab kasut tuh lawa and nmpk kecik...no more McDonald shoes....haha and makan buffet Golden Corral...sedapppp!!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

maaf ku tak bisa memilih dirimu

tak penah pon meneliti lirik lagu 6ixth sense nih....

malam nih terase cam nak bace....and you know what?.....nih laa kot satu2 nye lagu yang boleh dikata kan...memang represent part of what I feel at one point in my life...word for word....
sekarang dgr lagu nih...terase sangat goosebump and sayu and sebak....

i'm sorry

**p/s: entry yang agak pelik....tapi terase nak bgtau jugak...sbb tak penah rase camni bile dengar lagu selame nih...hehehe.....and do know....mistakes in the past stay in the past...you have to put effort to make things work out for the better future ^_^

Friday, October 10, 2008

bad friday =(


I think it is time to update...in time of deep depression and tension and arrrghhhh...geram2...

okay..here are the things that is irritating me at this moment...things I can think of...

1. geram kat sorang nih yang can't do a single thing I ask dia to do...satu je bende ...and satu tuh laa yang tak dapat buat...and dah dua kali okayy....maybe if I'm not in a very depressing mood I'll just let it go, tapi kali nih nak marah jugak...huhuhu

2. tensen dengan senior project punye hal...it's not like I put it up till the very last minute..I work on looking for groups and projects okay...just that..things got a little bit more complicated than I expected....so...end up with having to do a little bit more work...come on...come on...

3. Class Lab yang paling membencikan semester nih...who on earth nak belajar wat Lab Report dengan sangat sangat amat sempurna? Dengan terperincinya lagi mendetailkan cara nak paste graph dalam Words?...huh?..kann?...sangat annoying this class...dengan grading yang sangat lah dan amatlah ketat!...arghh...geram2...kenape kene belajar buat Lab?..kenape kelas nih tak ajar bende yang lebih berfungsi untuk engineer yang bakal grad...seperti...resume ke..cover letter ke...which I think..ramai budak BME rase lebih berguna untuk hidup daripada belajar untuk tulis Lab Report....yang professornye sendiri kate...'this format of writing is just based on what I think should look like'...duhh...insyaAllah ur not going to be my boss...so...takyah aaa suro orang tulis lab report merepek repek...aaaaaaaaaaaaaa.......gerammmnnyeeeeeee T_T

okay...feeling a witte bit better...=|

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Eid Mubarak - 1 Syawwal 1429 H


Di kesempatan ini....saya mahu meminta maaf daripada semua orang yang kenal saye dan saye kenal...kalau terkasar bahasa..atau bermulut celupar...atau tersalah pukul...atau tersalah sakitkan hati dalam apa cara sekalipun...saya sangat sangat sorryy....kalau masih lagi ade yang tak puas hati..boleh aje tego2 saye ^_^

kepada yang saye hutang..(ehem ehem...cik nazirah..ehem ehem...) nanti kite pegi bank same same pastuh saye langsaikan insyaAllaah...and sesiapa lagi yang saye hutang...boleh claim yerr....

selamat makan kenyang2 yee semua...amalan amalan ketika Ramadhan jangan pula kite cicirkan dek kerana nak raya...

Bersengkang mata menyiapkan paper,
Dapat beraya dengan gembire,
Peluang yang ada hendak di gune,
Semoga ampun saya diterime.
(burok benor...maaf2)

Eid Mubarak!

Monday, September 22, 2008



Terase lama tidak mengupdate...huhu

Allah's miracle come in many different sorts of way and form I'll say...most of the it is there but we don't even see it...the small things...kadang-kadang kita sedih..kita down that things doesn't go the way we plan...or we think we deserve something but we don't get it...or even we don't want it to happen, it still happen to us.....but if we really think about it...Allah's love and mercy is always there for us.

Kalau kite kantoi exam, Allah still give us chance to make it better the next time and learn from the first time. Kalau terbangun lambat nak pegi class, Allah still bagi kita kudrat and kekuatan nak siap laju2 and lari2 pegi class. Kalau kita buat dosa banyak, Allah bagi kita Ramadhan nih dan Lailatul Qadar nih untuk kita mohon ampun dari Nya...See, in every single things, Allah letak jalan keluar dan mercy Dia untuk kita...all we need to do is embrace it and never think Allah does not care or love us..NEVER...Allah is the BEST PLANNER


Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I stumble upon these ayats while reciting the al-Qur'an...

And ye shall be sorted out into three classes (7)

Then there will be the Ashabul Maimanah (Companions of the Right Hand), what will be the
companion of the right hand? (8)

And the As habul Mash-amah (Companions of the Left Hand), what will be the companions of
the left hand? (9)

And those foremost in faith is the foremost in the Hereafter (10)

These will be those nearest to Allah (11)

In Garden of Bliss (12)

A number of people from those of old (13)

And a few from those of later times (14)

-al Waqiah-

And my heart sink...only few je ke from later times?...Kalau few...makin tipis laa harapan saye...that is the only thing that come to mind bila bace part nih...bile teruskan lagi bacaan...terase takut..kalau2 tergolong dalam golongan tangan kiri...nauzubillah...

Ya Allah...jadikanlah kami hamba-hambuMu yang terbaik dalam agamanya...terdekat kepada Mu...dan dari Ashabul Maimanah....amiiin~

Friday, September 12, 2008


I miss home....

I miss times when I can complaint about hard homeworks to my mom

I miss the times when I used to tell my father about mean boys at school or people I dont like

I miss coming home from a very boring and hard day at school

I'm jealous when I see my brother coming home from his final exam and was feeling down and was complaining it to my mom....I wish I was in his place at that time

I'm jealous when my mommy and daddy bising2 to my brother because he did not study for his exam..do his homework..or finish his project.....

I miss my brother too....

I miss the times when he used to kacau my late morning sleep and I'll chase him around the house

I miss it when he says stupid things and I can smack him hard and he won't get mad

I miss just sitting in his room watching him play WoW

I miss lepak2 with mommy and daddy petang2 and malam2 watching cite Indon

I miss them A LOT and I'm glad that I can miss them and feel close to them even though I'm here...and I'm glad that I can still talk to them whenever I feel so.....

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

month of training and change II


short update before gi class...

last 2 nights, imam dekat ICN bagi short tazkirah between tarawih..dia kate perosak hati itu ada 4..he just mentioned 2 of them the other night..kene pegi lagi nih nak tau lagi 2 tuh ape...anyway..the two things that he said were:

1. Tongue - banyak bercakap. mengata. mengumpat. cakap kosong. mengeluh. We need to TRAIN to talk less about unnecassary things

2. Eyes - cuci mata. usha orang. pandangan mata itu adalah panah beracun yang menusuk ke dalam hati. eyes sees, heart fall. mata adalah punca utama yang membawa kepada perkara buruk lain jika tidak di kawal. tidak mengawal mata adalah umpama api membakar ranting kayu, even if tak rosakkan seluruhnya, masih lagi meninggalkan kesan yang buruk pada hati. LEARN to lower our gaze. Allah telah menyatakan dalam Surah An-Nur ayat 31 yang membawa maksud

"Dan katakanlah kepada perempuan-perempuan yang beriman supaya menyekat pandangan mereka (daripada memandang yang haram), dan memelihara kehormatan mereka......."

and that brought me to this gambar...really suitable for us kan in this month....

hear no evil.see no evil.say no evil


Monday, September 8, 2008

month of training and change I


Ramadhan is a month for training and changes...

Allah made it a month for us to practice doing more good than we used to do

Allah even make everything simpler for us in order to help us train, practice and change....Allah lock all the syaitaan, Allah close the door of Hell and open all the doors to Jannah

With no syaitan to come and kacau2 and pujuk2 us to do bad things..our chances of doing good things are higher..and insyaAllah becomes easier too....We are only left to battle with ourself...nak ke tanak?

'takpelaa..lepas bulan puasa baru buat'..or...'lepas2 ni mesti boleh buat lah..sekarang nih takyah lagi'

Do you really believe that we can change/practice something better after this? Sedangkan waktu syaitan dibelenggu pon tidak terdaya..apatah lagi bila mereka dah bebas merewang2 nanti....

Bulan ini adalah bulan untuk kita biasakan yang betul dan betulkan yang biasa (yang eloklaa ^_^)

Let us all start little by little..you and me ^_^


p/s: I believe that it is worth it...and i'll work hard at it..it's not impossible kan?..Allah will help me through it ^_^

Sunday, September 7, 2008



just wanted to share candid pictures of us seniors....for the real pictures...kene tunggu yer... ^_^

us..the girls

very hot azlan :P

dunno what we were trying to do here...

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Quran Flash


Ramadhan kareem~

So..sitting in front of the laptop and too lazy to move and do better stuff? Tape...don't have to go anywhere..but just click this little link...it'll help us tambahkan pahala insyaAllaah.....one page a day is good enough than not reading at all for a day...rugi kan?...especially in this blessed month yang datang setahun sekali...lame tuh setahun kalau nak tunggu next year...tuh pun klu kite sempat kan...so..let start now....


Thursday, August 28, 2008

Ramadhan Moon (Bulan Ramadhan)


Ramadhan is almost here....masih tak rase macam nak berpuase...tapi I'm anticipating Ramadhan this year..insyaAllaah tahun nih menyambut kedatangan Ramadhan with other Muslims slain sedare2 Vandy yang biase...

Get this widget | Track details | eSnips Social DNA

ahlaan Ramadhan!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

back to school =D


Back in Vandy already...school started already....rumah kemas-ed halfway?...one more very big box of baju and after that setelkan dapor jee....setakat nih this is how my bilik looks like...=D

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Remembrance of al-Quds (ROQ)


I don't have much to say because I haven't done anything for them to help them...but just wanted all of us to be reminded of today and that we can still do something about it and not just sit around....


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

wisdom tooth


I've been suffering from gum ache since last week and a few month ago too....so I decided to go and see the dentist *cuak cuak* I was afraid that the ache was caused by me being too lazy to brush my teeth...but2 in my defense...saye berus tauuu gigi...at least once a day..so there shouldn't be a problem with me being a un-hygenic person....huhuhu....but because of the rase saket was too painful too handle i decided to just go and see him and let him see to the problem...

So...yesterday went in to see him and told him about the swallowing .... pastuh he immediately ask for an x-ray to be done on the part yang bengkak...seksa laa rupenye nak x=ray nih...as soon as it was done...he asked from his nurse a SCAPEL...the one word I don't ever wanna hear from a doctor...any doctor...huhuhu.....so it turned out to be a GUM OPERATION..caused by my very very still small WISDOM TOOTH yang still inside my gum but was hitting on my jaw bone....sebab tuh gum saye bengkak...kesiaan gum saye

ok...sekian update pada hari ini~


Monday, August 18, 2008

i hate goodbyes

kenape good bye ade good kat depan dia?..sape boleh jawabkan untuk saye...ape yang good nye dalam saying bye bye? isn't is suppose to be something sad...nape ade good?

i HATE good bye

why do people GO AWAY and LEAVE me ALONE ?

tak sukeeeee

i'm SOO HEART BROKEN.....i hate this feeling...like there is a HOLE in your heart.....something MISSING ?

lagu nih punyer pasal laa buat saye sedih...

p/s: i should be happy that everyone is happy with their own partner...but that also means i will be alone...which make me feel guilty sebab i shouldn't be selfish and rase sedih..but be happy that they are happy..kann???..in times like this i want someone to share EVERYTHING with...i wish time will past faster! >_<



I miss everybody..semua orang dah tade..rindu~

notice the slightly red nose and watery eyes?


Monday, August 11, 2008

my wish list


I'm just plain bored between busy doing things...so decided nak jadi bimbo sekejap...so..here's my kind of wishlist...haha

1. this cute thing..very white saye sukeeee n also bulat...tapi saye dah ade headphone..so takyah bazer...
2. i'm still considering between these two things...sape ade ape2 cadangan or view?..my brother think I should take the PS3...but tak lawa laa design dia..haha...

3. yang ini memang dah lame i crave for...aiyayayaya....kalau pegi website or kedai apple mestiiii usha...haiihhh

4. and last but not least...baju neyh....sukeee sangat design dia because i have the short sleeve version of this baju and sangat selesa and best pakai....tapi mahal sangat laaa kedai nih jual baju nih...sedeyh2....plus saye dah ade banyak baju jugak sebenarnye...nanti mane nak simpan kan Nazirah??..hhehehee.. :D
...okay. tuh je. later~


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

happy birthday abah!


I want to take this opportunity to wish the father that I love sooo much a very happy and blessed Birthday!...

Thank you for EVERYTHING you did for me until today...and years more coming insyaAllaah

I am very proud to have you as my father...

May Allah bless you always and make things easy for the whole family!

I love you Abah!

bb salsabila


okay..it's official...baby dah bername...hehehe...it's Salsabila Zaini

here is her first look

eeee...gerammmmnyeee.......lembut sangatttt tangan dia....masak pon sodap!


shhh...it's a secret


Everybody have secrets, no? But there are many types of secrets...secrets you share with some but don't with some, secrets that you don't mind people to know and very2 important secrets that we never want any soul to know about....here are some secrets that I think I can share....hehehe (mencapubb =p)

1. I am secretly afraid that I might be late to my wedding and I won't look good on my wedding day =((

2. I'm very afraid of cicak and lipas...and I don't know sampai biler saye nak takut derang neyh...

3. Saye takut nak dukung baby yang less than 3 months old...saye takut saye terjatuh kan or buat baby tuh nangis....huhuhu

4. Saye malas mandi (nih cam orang boleh tau jer..especially yang rapat ngan saye..haha)

5. Saye takut kawan2 saye tak suke saye

6. I am currently forcing myself untuk makan dua kali sahaja sehari sebab tanak bile balek Vandy nanti orang kate tembam...huhuhu...vain kan sayeee?

7. I'm afraid people will know my deepest and darkest secret >_<

....but...none of our secrets are ever secrets...sebab Allah Maha MENGETAHUI....ya Allah..ighfirly...sesungguhnya Engkau mengetahui apa di dalam hatiku~~ighfirly rabbi~~

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

welcome to the family...err..adek!


Sorry for being too quiet for awhile...haha..bak kate orang..mase sebok laa baru orang baru sebok nak update blog...i think it is quite true....hehehe

i am currently busy watching over my two very cute and extremely active(read:nakal) nephew and niece...as i am writing this..i am between running around keja yang kecik tuh..or bergaduh2 ngan si abang yang dah besar tuh....and now derang nak mandi plak..haiihh...sambung sat lagi laa yee~

okay..dah siap!..and know what?..my brother just rang in and told us that the our new family member just arrived...(haven't decided on the name..so saye panggil dia adek..haha...suke2 jee) Alhamdulillah it's a baby girl...born at 6 pm on 30th July...maken ramei leee budak2 July dalam family nih...haihhh

ok...this story is from today plak...because I had to leave the laptop once again....haha..so..last night went to the hospital to see the new girl..sooo cute laa dia....hidung dia macam besar...ke mancung?... she was sleeping mase kitorang sampai tuh...so just took one picture of her...nnt saye boh..skrg tgh malas =P

pagi tadi woke up with having to give those two kids shower...even saye ponn tak mandi pagi **bad habit**...hahaha...and tadi petang dah tergolek2 tido dengan yang adik tuh depan TV...but, as im writing this right now, derang sume dah keluar...pegi amek adik baru buat balek rumah nih....she is on her way here...haha..saye boleh jage baby baru lahir!! suke nyeee~~~ sebab baby baru lahir takleh lari2..so kite tak penat nak keja2...(MUAHAHAHAA)

okay...tuh jer update for now..kepade mereke2 yang asek minta saye update..=p

and no worries..will be updating banyak jugak laaa kot...with all sorts of things on the wedding and also this new bundle of joy yang still tade name...toddles~


Wednesday, July 16, 2008


nazirah punyer pasal..saye buat laaa..:D panjang tau..tak larat bace....so takyah bace pon tapeee


1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog.

Name: Ashwaq Zaini Anwar
Sisters: none
Brothers: 3
Shoe size: 8.5
Height: 164 cm (5'5'')
Where do you live: Kajanf
Favourite drinks: Air kosong (lebih sehattt)
Favourite breakfast: Nasi lemak, roti canai, nasi goreng, mee goreng

Have you ever..
Been on a plane:
Swam in the ocean: Yup
Fallen asleep in school: Yup
Broken someone’s heart: unfortunately yes..=(
Fell off your chair: Yes. Jatuh dengan meja2 skali..bukan setakat kerusi jee
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : humm...macam pernah
Saved e-mails: Yup..most of the time
What is your room like: comfy...asyek rase nak tidooo jeee
What’s right beside you: my father and a bowl of mee hoon soup yummm
What is the last thing you ate: mee hoon soup
Ever had Chicken pox: Yes
Sore throat: Yes
Stitches: Alhamdulillah no
Do you believe in love at first sight: Crush mungkin..love..NO
Like picnics: Yes yes yes
Who was the last person you danced with: Sorang2? how pathetic
Last made you smile: my chatting partner
You last yelled: dah lame tak menjerit..=D


Talk to someone you like: Absolutely
Kissed anyone: Not yet..maybe tonight..
Get sickness : Nope..alhamdulillah
Talked to an ex: No
Miss someone: Yes
Eat: Yes
Best feeling in the world: No
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: Taaaaaakk...sebab sumenye tinggal kat Vandy =(
What’s under your bed: Kotak2 barang
Who do you really hate : Government Malaysia sekarang
What time is it now: 4.52 pm (waktu Malaysia)


Q: Is there a person who is on your mind right now: Yes
Q: Do you have any siblings: Yes
Q: Do you want children : Yes
Q: Do you smile often: Yes
Q: Do you like your hand-writing: not so often
Q: Are your toenails painted: Nope
Q: Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: Mommy's and Daddy's =D
Q: What colour shirt are you wearing: White/purple
Q: What were you doing at 7:00pm yesterday : Baru lepas jogging (ehem...ehem..budget sehat)
Q: I can’t wait till: my brother's marriage...tapi but also means dah nak dekat balek US..takmo!
Q: When did you cry last: Few weeks ago
Q: Are you a friendly person: Boleh~lah
Q: Do you have any pets: Nope
Q: Where is the person you have feelings for right now?: Kat dalam office sorang2 kott
Q: Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now?: Means everything to me

Have you ever crawled through a window?: Penah..duduk lepak atas bumbung rumah..tade keje kan?
Can you handle the truth?: Need some time
Are you too forgiving?: Nope
Are you closer to your mother or father?: Both
Who was the last person you cried in front of?: Dengan bangganye boleh kate..NOBODY..klu tak asyek kantoiii je nanges
How many people can you say you’ve really loved?: SO many
Do you eat healthy?: Yup!...Masakan ibu =D
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex?: Nope
Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you?: Yup..baanyak kali..sensitive maa~
How often do you go to a Masjid?: Selalu
If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to?: Tido
Are you loud or quiet most of the time?: Quiet..penatlaa nak bising2..kadang2 boleyyhh laaa..bile hyper2 tuh
Are you confident? : Yup..kott?

5 things i was doing 10 years ago..

> pegi sekolah, gaduh ngan kawan2, main getah dalam kelas, tengok world cup, main game

5 things to do today..

> siapkan hantaran, makan, tido, bace buku, tengok TV

5 snacks I enjoy..

> Chocolates, chocolates, chocolates, chocolates, chocolates..did i already say chocolates?

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire

> Compete ngan Doland Trump and get more money...jk jk..hehehe..pegi haji umrah,beli kete untuk mak ayah saye...kawen?, beli rumah kat tepi pantai, melancong

5 of my bad habits

> suke tido, suke marah, malas, suke terkejut, degil

5 places I have lived in

> Kajang, Terengganu, Vandy..tak cukup laa 5

5 jobs I’ve had

> Reeving, mak andam??, Student

5 people i tagged
> sape2 rase nak wat =D..saye tak memakse orangnyee...hehehe

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

An hour of st***dity exposed


I don't have many things to say except for way to gooo DSAI!!! and for Dato' Shabery Chik and all from his kind; do stop debating like Pak Pandir! You guys keep on talking about past mistakes by Anwar and what he did wrong. It was as if saying "You made mistakes before, we can make mistakes too"..use more facts and don't repeat yourself with the same excuse ("Oil problem is a global problem"), I'm really sorry to say this, but you really did made a fool out of yourself tonight. It looked as if when you have no points to use in your debate, or when you are trying to avoid the question you used the same excuse and critic DSAI..and plus...you got most of your facts wrong and why is it the point 'use the money Petronas is GIVING BACK to the government instead of the INVESTMENT made by Petronas as the SUBSIDY' is soo hard to be accepted by you..is it because the government is using the money for personal uses?

Lastly, thank you to the media for giving the chance for the Opposition Party to voice their issue.


Monday, July 14, 2008

walimatul urus


haha..i know the title mesti cam berleluase sekarang..well maybe just for me..tapi merata2 blog hopping and bukak frenster..most of them pasal nak berkahwin august nih..so saye pon tak ketinggalan juge nk mengiklankan perkahwinan abang saye insyaAllah august nih...

so check out their wedding website by clicking on the image below...

So..to all my friends who is reading this..you are all very welcome to come...insyaAllah moga dengan majlis ini dapat merapatkan lagi hubungan sesame kite dan mendapat redha Ilahi..Amiin~


p/s: lpas nih saye lak in line...bile tapii? ;D

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Protes.Sejuta Rakyat: rally turned carnival


Yes, went to the event today. Arrived there at around 10.20. Talk have started, stalls were already up. So our first stop was to get the 'PROTES' t-shirt. Then, went to take pictures of the suasana and it was surely merry and people were very full of spirit! (at first) Especially the Indians, they were really active and participating..they were cool~ they had banners ready, they berarak...to be honest, they were the only ones showing the attitude of protest against the oil price hike, besides the talk from the leaders.

People were all over the place, some were outside hanging out, some were outside eating and some were shopping at the stalls. It was indeed a very calm surrounding, and was getting too calm and almost nothing special because it was suppose to be a rally to force the government to decrease the oil price! I'm not saying that we should burn down the stadium or attack any public areas, but we should have not been too obedient towards the government and change place to the, may I say, secluded area. There were no people passing by the stadium area that could actually see or hear what we were trying to say and seru everybody to take part in the protest.

I did not stay for the whole event, was already wiped out after Zohor, plus there weren't any interesting activity going on. People were entertained by street musicians and poet and most people were having lunch at the stalls. By the time my brother and I decided to leave for home, there was this one band performing a PUNK song. Soooo very tak sesuai, I know that rock and very metal-ly songs are suitable for showing rebellion and protest, but surely we don't need this kind of things to show our protest, does it even workk? Is the government even listening? And it turned out that the punk band was called off from performing after about 700 Unit Amal people withdraw from the event because they did not agree with the performance. Read more here. Way to go laaa Unit Amal, at least you guys stand up for your principles! And more ketidak best-an berlaku afterwards. I read from Malaysiakini that another band that was performing was behaving inappropriately when the singer was singing while showing off his behind towards the audience and was continuously pulling his underwear(hmmm?? maybe he had the wrong pair on at the wrong time I guess). The sad part was that, this happened around Maghrib time (~7 pm), surely people understand right...time-time Maghrib mane ade orang bergalak2 ..tak kee? And a few unsatisfied viewers decided to take matters into their hands by throwing bottles at the singers and some people tried to chase them off. So, it was kind of disappointing to learn about that incident. Hishamuddin Rais should have done better. The event was said to continue until 12 tonight.

Here is another link of a disappointed party about the event that was suppose to shock and provoke the government. The event was suppose to give an impact on the government, should have shown that WE, the people ARE EFFECTED by government DECISIONS, especially to increase the oil price and NOT making any effort in taking the weight off the people, instead of asking us to CHANGE our lifestlye, how about change the GOVERNMENT for once? But we did not feel that today, there were no vibe, no feeling of "YES, THIS IS WHAT WE WANT!"
Maybe because it was not the peak of the event yet and I did not stayed longer, even the local main stream media have this and this to say (they are not taking this seriously, for them it is just another carnival), it did not give the same impact it did during Bersih, all in all..we could have done better.


p/s: pictures will come

Thursday, July 3, 2008

how does Islam view this?


I just learned something tonight about the whole sodomy and things alike. I got confused on the whole who's telling the truth and who's lying stuff...it's not that I don't believe in DSAI..but I just don't understand why Saiful Bukhari's family and members still have his back if they know the truth?..Even on his Friendster he said ' Wahai Anwar MUNAFIK!! Yang HAK Pasti Berdiri..Aku CABAR kau lawan jika kau tidak bersalah.. Aku tak takut mati.. Yang BATIL Pasti Jatuh!! PASTI! ALLAHHUAKBAR!!! ' ... how do we choose side? who do we trust?

So..apparently according to Islamic Law, firstly, we can't really say that the claim was true, i.e we cannot go around saying..." aku rase betulla DSAI tuh jahat " or " see..he really did it..just like before" because we don't have any proof to justify our claim..it will become same as memfitnah..that is how I understand it...and the other one is...in order to really convict that someone back doored him...he will have to provide 4 witnesses to make sure that DSAI is not being framed or dishonest, but I don't understand Islamic Law as a whole (my bad) ..tapi setakat yang saye faham hanya sampai di situ saje..I strongly believe there is actually a better explanation on how to properly trial for this sort of crime...someone care to explain?

In my personal opinion, using medical proves such as the medical examination of the 'area', DNA matching and also the analysis of the place of the crime ( but God forbid..no more usung2 tilam to the court...don't they have cotton swab?..I don't mind lending them my Q-tips..and do take pictures..don't go through the whole thing again please)

Sebagai konklusi (rase cam karangan)..I really think that people should take Islamic Law point of view into consideration on handling this matter because...kalau terlepas hukum dunia nih, dekat akhirat tak terlepas, lebih pedih dan lebih azab..mungkin manusia sudah lupe pada Allah..jadi ramai yang berani nak melawan hukum Dia...jom kembali mengingati Allah !


Tuesday, July 1, 2008

picture time


tengah rajen untuk mengupdate cause baru jer upload gambar yang dah berminggu2 from camera..you understand it rite?...always jer malas nk masukkan gambar dalam computer but once dah masukkan suke plak .... you know what I'm ranting about kann?..kann?...ke saye sorang jeee macam nih..pemalas?...huhuhu...

Okay...back to my original reason...here are some pictures I think worth sharing....

nih gambar anak burung dua ekor yang telah dilahirkan and buat sarang atas pokok dragon fruit kat rumah saye..so..boleh consider as..pet?jiran?..cute kann?...so comel..tapi takut mak dia datang...ehehhe

nih gambar mase keluar lepak2 ngan kawan mase sekolah dulu...dah 3 tahun tak jumpe mereke...I look short in this pic..hmm..but anyway..we had fun..GOSSIPING..hahaha =p

and here....gambar dengan kawan2 baru..same2 berjuang di US...jumpe jugak kite dekat Malaysia nih...hehehe...sronok2 dapat jumpe anda semua...akak kat US jangan jeles or sedey yeee...nanti insyaAllaah kite jumpe2 lagi camni in the future...;D

the end of the photo sharing..sorry I'm boring you guys with bende remeh in my life...huhu....takde dah lpas nih...tata




This post is to update those yang selalu bukak blog nih and nak tahu saye buat ape...hahaha..I sound very vain..but actually...I just wanted to share with all of you about my progress with the hantaran stuffs...I just hope that my bakal kakak ipar won't open this page or it will spoil the surprise for her...tak funn laa camtuh kann?

this is the so-called 'Bunga Mas Kahwin'...not fully finished..but..dah ade rupe laa kann?

nih plak is the dulang where the hantaran will be placed in....but we decided to change the arrangement just after I took this picture..haha..because they said that the flowers was held too close together..and basically tak cukup lawa...hahaha....but now dah siap ngan rupe baru yang cantek..but haven't snap any pictures of it yet...tungguu yeeee nanti I'll put it up..

nih laa setakat yang ade untuk di tunjuk..not muchh....i learned a lot...blaja gune glue gun..kene telitiii giler and kene kreatif...hahah..but most of the time..kene just know how to belasah2 and jadik bentuk yang boleh diterime...so there.


Monday, June 30, 2008

Act II


If what is happening here in Malaysia was a cheap drama..I can take it, but..knowing that it is the same story all over again...it is unacceptable..Malaysia's politic drama has become old fashion may I say because the same thing had been done before...haiiyaaa...

Here is what the previous 'director' might have say about the situation

1. Aku dah kate daaah dia nih gay tahun 1998 duluu

2. Hang tiru idea aku laaa

3. Ape hal bebal sangat..kan taktik nih dah tak jadik 10 tahun duluuu

Encik Saiful Bukhari...kalau mahu famous and sangat giler to be on the center stage..join AF sudeyyhhh...takyah susah2 nak kate kene masuk ikut back door....you think you can live a better life with more money and fame?


Sunday, June 22, 2008

a wedding like no other


Have been really lazy too update, plus not that many things too story about..hehehe...but now I DO!

My parents and I went to a 3 days 2 nights wedding event at Janda Baik last two weeks. And here is why I think the wedding was a very unique event:

1. The first night we was there, we the girls we presented with
belly dancing by the family member of the bride..this is because they are from an Arabic descendant

2. We were served with
lambs for the whole 3 days events..yummy for me...=D, they cooked 3 types of lambs recipe for each day :- BBQ, Nasi Arab Kambing and Kambing masak Kuzi

3. The groom is the same age as me and the bride was only 19!..they made me feel OLD

4. The bride's father dance
an Arabic dance on the day of the wedding reception on the stage, it was random and not planned out

5. The father of the bride did not wear any sort of
baju Melayu for all the events (akad nikah nor the reception)

6. Both father of the bride and groom plan a secret gift for their children by surprising them with a free
helicopter ride to see views of Pahang from top and it was a gimmick alright, because it happen during the reception when everybody was eating and then the helly landed.

So..there you have it...anybody want to share their story of any weird weddings?..you are very welcome to do so!


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

against everything


Everyone around Malaysia is talking about harga minyak naik... even I wanted to talk about harga minyak too initially..tapi macam all have been said je...nanti cam dok ulang story same..so nak cakap pasal another issue that caught my attention and moved me to write about it. It's the issue in Turkey, where the court decided to ban Muslim women from wearing the head scarves because it is said to be AGAINST ANTI-SECULAR even though actually there are about 60% of Muslims women in Turkey that wear them.

Let us take a moment and think about it, why is it when people ask the women to cover up and not wear revealing clothing, they are said to be AGAINST HUMANS RIGHT because they say that it is the person's CHOICE to wear very little clothing or to show parts of their body instead of making them abide to their religion, but then in the situation in Turkey where people CHOOSE to cover up and not want to follow their religion, it is not allowed...totally unfair right?

Why is it when people choose to be in accordance with their religion, other people are against it but when it comes to abandoning the religion, help comes from all direction, isn't kind of the opposite to what Allah have said in Surah Ali Imran verse 104


And let there be [arising] from you a nation inviting to [all that is] good, enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong, and those will be the successful. (3:104)


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

what i'm up to?

Assalamualaikum .... =D

As all of you know...I'm back home in Malaysia already...dah exactly a week I'm back and I think it is time to update...nanti kesian kawan kat Nashville tuh tak tau saye buat ape kat sinih...hehehe (^_^)V

Okay..the flight..overall was okay laa despite going home alone and tak bercakap pon slain dari dengan stewardess nk mintak air and makanan...ahahha....slept a LOT and listen to lagu jugak banyak..especially How To Save A Life....ntah knape..hehehe

okay...done with that part..moving on to ape saye buat kat rumah...emm...jet lag...sket..tak sedasyat last time...huhuhuh....esoknye tuh terus tolong my dad varnish/syelek lantai bilik pengantin...hahaha...semangat toll...skrg bilik tuh dah almost done...^_^ bangge2..hihihi...lawa kan?..shiny2

saye tido bilik mak ayah saye kerane takut tido bilik sorang2...bahaye wooo..so saye punye katil kind of tengah2 bilik..sebab nk dekat dengan kipass...heheheheh....sayang mi aba!..heeeheee....so..nih laa keadaan katil saye yang menyemak tengah2 bilik orang...huhuhu...you can see all my begs and stuff kat tepi tuhh...and on my katil ade laa this loyal laptop and also a magazine that I'm busy belek-ing..eheheh...tengah carik idea nak wat hantaran camner..huhuhuh...

I tried out one design...and it worked out okay laa (sila lihat gambar...=p)....kene increase kan lagi skill..haha...biar kasik lagi cunnn and elegent....hehehe....

i was about to take a picture of my mom's very delicious and yummy ketupat sotong....but being me, I accidentally went to the kitchen and finish the very last ketupat sotong..and lepas abes tuh laaa baru ingat...ya Allah..nak amek camne laa dah telan sume?..emm..so I'll save that ketupat sotong gambar for later..sorry folks! arinih sebok2 susun all my brother's books and library...sebab nk letak more books in there...heheheh ohh one last story before I stop for now...I got a new PHONE...eeeeeeeee...excited and sangat seronok sebab it's soo sleek and lawa.... =D....here it is...it's a Sony Ericsson S500i....okay laa for me...not so techy~, just nice for me...


tazkirah pendek arinih: Abu Hurairah r.a katanya:
Aku pernah mendengar Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: Allah s.w.t berfirman: Anak Adam selalu mencaci-maki masa, padahal Akulah masa. Siang dan malam berada di tanganKu

Nombor Hadis Dalam Sahih Muslim [Dalam Bahasa Arab sahaja]: 4165

so..we need to use our time wisely especially dengan summer yang very panjang nih..take care!
