Monday, September 8, 2008

month of training and change I


Ramadhan is a month for training and changes...

Allah made it a month for us to practice doing more good than we used to do

Allah even make everything simpler for us in order to help us train, practice and change....Allah lock all the syaitaan, Allah close the door of Hell and open all the doors to Jannah

With no syaitan to come and kacau2 and pujuk2 us to do bad things..our chances of doing good things are higher..and insyaAllah becomes easier too....We are only left to battle with ourself...nak ke tanak?

'takpelaa..lepas bulan puasa baru buat'..or...'lepas2 ni mesti boleh buat lah..sekarang nih takyah lagi'

Do you really believe that we can change/practice something better after this? Sedangkan waktu syaitan dibelenggu pon tidak terdaya..apatah lagi bila mereka dah bebas merewang2 nanti....

Bulan ini adalah bulan untuk kita biasakan yang betul dan betulkan yang biasa (yang eloklaa ^_^)

Let us all start little by and me ^_^


p/s: I believe that it is worth it...and i'll work hard at's not impossible kan?..Allah will help me through it ^_^

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