Tuesday, May 20, 2008

what i'm up to?

Assalamualaikum .... =D

As all of you know...I'm back home in Malaysia already...dah exactly a week I'm back and I think it is time to update...nanti kesian kawan kat Nashville tuh tak tau saye buat ape kat sinih...hehehe (^_^)V

Okay..the flight..overall was okay laa despite going home alone and tak bercakap pon slain dari dengan stewardess nk mintak air and makanan...ahahha....slept a LOT and listen to lagu jugak banyak..especially How To Save A Life....ntah knape..hehehe

okay...done with that part..moving on to ape saye buat kat rumah...emm...jet lag...sket..tak sedasyat last time...huhuhuh....esoknye tuh terus tolong my dad varnish/syelek lantai bilik pengantin...hahaha...semangat toll...skrg bilik tuh dah almost done...^_^ bangge2..hihihi...lawa kan?..shiny2

saye tido bilik mak ayah saye kerane takut tido bilik sorang2...bahaye wooo..so saye punye katil kind of tengah2 bilik..sebab nk dekat dengan kipass...heheheheh....sayang mi aba!..heeeheee....so..nih laa keadaan katil saye yang menyemak tengah2 bilik orang...huhuhu...you can see all my begs and stuff kat tepi tuhh...and on my katil ade laa this loyal laptop and also a magazine that I'm busy belek-ing..eheheh...tengah carik idea nak wat hantaran camner..huhuhuh...

I tried out one design...and it worked out okay laa (sila lihat gambar...=p)....kene increase kan lagi skill..haha...biar kasik lagi cunnn and elegent....hehehe....

i was about to take a picture of my mom's very delicious and yummy ketupat sotong....but being me, I accidentally went to the kitchen and finish the very last ketupat sotong..and lepas abes tuh laaa baru ingat...ya Allah..nak amek camne laa dah telan sume?..emm..so I'll save that ketupat sotong gambar for later..sorry folks! arinih sebok2 susun all my brother's books and library...sebab nk letak more books in there...heheheh ohh one last story before I stop for now...I got a new PHONE...eeeeeeeee...excited and sangat seronok sebab it's soo sleek and lawa.... =D....here it is...it's a Sony Ericsson S500i....okay laa for me...not so techy~, just nice for me...


tazkirah pendek arinih: Abu Hurairah r.a katanya:
Aku pernah mendengar Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: Allah s.w.t berfirman: Anak Adam selalu mencaci-maki masa, padahal Akulah masa. Siang dan malam berada di tanganKu

Nombor Hadis Dalam Sahih Muslim [Dalam Bahasa Arab sahaja]: 4165

so..we need to use our time wisely especially dengan summer yang very panjang nih..take care!



Hubab Al Munzir Asmawi said...

lawa handphone kak. nak satu

Deremind said...

nak jugak.. ces, lg hebat dr sy punye.. huhu.. tp now tgh gune samsung sbb xde converter - org pinjam..

nway.. wat hantaran lawa2.. nnt sy book awak utk wat sy punye.. ahha..


lmbtnye lagi awak nak balik sini... =|

Ashwaq said...

haha..nak tahu who's the genius yang pinjam converter awak?..it was ME!...hahaha...sorri akak...saye amek arituh sebab kak raihan kate nak pinjam..tapi mase kat makan2 ngan parents tuh...langsung terlupe that I put it in my camera beg and kak raihan pon lupe nak mintak...so...pendek cerite...i have it with me sekarang kat malaysia....:D.....bijak tak?...huhuhu...sorririiiiiii

Deremind said...

sy br tau (or derang da bgtau, sy yg x igt :P) ayah sy nye phone ericsson P990i..

aih, x bersyukur tul... =P

haaa.. camne nk gune ericsson sy nih.. haha, bli converter br la nampaknye~