Thursday, February 28, 2008

Cuti Musim Bunga

Assalamualaikum.... rase macam dah lame tak update..seminggu...huhuhu..been really busy this week...same oo same oo...but today dah last day...esok saye dah start Spring Break *^_^V yeayness* my very kind teachers have decided to cancel tomorrow's class sebab derang nak bagi time to pack untuk for me....i'm packing myself in my comforter laa kot =D..very comfortable...hehehe... well...harinih sangat mengantok..was planning to play game satu hari nih...but too tired jer..tapi kalau tido sekarang nanti rase rugi sebab tak main game...tamak gile kan?...sume pon nak...boleh tak main game dalam tido?..that would be great!...haha....okay2 merepek....huhu...

before ending my entry, I wanna wish a friend of mine, Happy 21st Birthday! (dah lepas dah snarnye ari Selase arituh..tapi tapelaa kan?)....may Allah bless you and stay close to Him always!

*tazkirah arinih*
kalimah yang Allah paling suka hambaNya tuturkan...
Subhanallah Alhamdulillah Allahuakbar senang and pendek jer....ade mase duduk-duduk saje Spring Break nih...zikir2laa...Allah sangat suka bila hamba Dia ingat pada Dia semase senang dan juga susah =D


Thursday, February 21, 2008


On the authority of Anas, who said: I heard the messenger of Allah say:

Allah the Almighty has said: "O son of Adam, so long as you call upon Me and ask of Me, I shall forgive you for what you have done, and I shall not mind. O son of Adam, were your sins to reach the clouds of the sky and were you then to ask forgiveness of Me, I would forgive you. O son of Adam, were you to come to Me with sins nearly as great as the earth and were you then to face Me, ascribing no partner to Me, I would bring you forgiveness nearly as great as its."

related by Al-Tirmithi, who said that it was a good and sound Hadith.

nothing more to add to this expect that Allah memang lah yang Maha Pemurah dan Maha Pengampun...Subhanallah alhamdulillah Allahu akbar


Tuesday, February 19, 2008

a not so good day

well..make that week..hari isnin lagi dah rase down? do i survive this week?...uwaaa...rase nak nanges...tapi tade mase untuk stop and nangis pon....huhuhu....abes exam homework...abes homework...homework lagi....pastuh...exam sad laa macam nih...=( =( =( =( =(
dahlaa baru bulan 2....klu dah bulan 4 rase camnih...tape lagi kot..huhuhu..dah tak reti nak motivate diri dah.....

biler nak pandai neyyhh?usahe masih tak cukup ker?...malas sangat ke diri nih?(memang2) tak berkat hidup nih? (na'uzubillah)...huhuhu....tamau laa hidup yang macam nih....

tape2...tanak down lame2...sebab orang beriman tak putus asa...and saye nak jadi orang beriman yang kuat...

Who have believed and whose hearts have rest in the remembrance of Allah. Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest! (13:28)


Thursday, February 14, 2008

Ada Apa dengan February 14?


Hari nih February 14th...ehheh...semua tau ape orang sambut harinih kan?...buat aper kite nak sambut jugak? ...pelik kan...even though I know some people yang akan jawab balek ape yang saye cakap nih by saying saje2...bukannye bawak harm's true...tapi...aqidah wise?...effectnye saye sendiri tak pasti...wallahua'lam...mungkin yang lebih arif tau laa hukumnya, dan yang pasti dah banyak pon article2 or nasihat yang orang bagi pasal perayaan nih...sume depends on kita nak accept or tolak..kann? ^_^ If you are single and rase sedih sebab tade orang nk celebrate dengan..don't be happy have nothing to loose ..betul...jimat duit sebab takyah belanjer orang lain, tade beli2 bunga or beli coklat...^_^

Compare to meraikan kematian 'martyr' Christian (sedangkan Maulidur Rasul itu sendiri bid'ah) dengan cara Rasulullah (pbuh) ... sape kita nak ikut eyh? Everything dah depan mata...

Say: ‘If you do love Allah follow me, Allah will love you and forgive your sins for Allah is Oft-Forgiving Most Merciful.


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

PRU 12 Malaysia ..hummm?

So the Prime Minister of Malaysia has finally disperse the Parliament of Malaysia, no shock there because the heat of the election boleh dirase oleh kami yang jauh di benua asing nih pon =) ...

Masa depan negara semuanya ditangan rakyat, rakyat sendiri yang pilih nak kehidupan yang bagaimana...sayang saye berada jauh, dan sayang jugak umur pon tak cukup lagi...huhu~ and I guess it is too early jugak to wish people in Malaysia selamat mengundi memandangkan tarikh penamaan calon and tarikh pilihan raya pon belom umum lagi...but honestly, I'm really excited and looking forward for the election ^_^v...hehe...what kind of plan do they have in store for us this time...moga2 semua bersedia...Allaahu ma'anaa!

Back to my school life here..minggu nih...even though ade 2 exam, satu yang baru lepas tadi and one more coming this Friday, tak sibuk sangat rasenye...Alhamdulillah...and two weeks from Friday SPRING BREAK is here...oh..lupee...harinih snow...but sikit sangat..hehe...tapi takpelaa...nampka putih sikit Vandy pagi tadi...sukee ^_^..heeeheee...excited macam freshmen pulak!.....well...back to Spring Break story, rase nak bejalan dekat2 je kali nih...bekunjung ke rumah kawan..asyik dia aje turun kesinih..teringin jugak naik tempat dia...kann Mui kan?...boleyh ehh?...Jiha..sabar dulu eyh...kite blaja abis2..nanti cuti kite lepak puas2...hehehe...

I'll leave this entry with ayat 46 of Surah Al-Hajj...

Have they not travelled through the land, and have they hearts wherewith to understand and ears wherewith to hear? Verily, it is not the eyes that grow blind, but it is the hearts which are in the breasts that grow blind.


p/s: Nazirah laa nih...heheh..okay update terbaru..penamaan calon is on February 24th and the election will be on March 8th. tq...itusajapesananpenaja....

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Easiness in Islam

Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "Religion is very easy and whoever overburdens himself in his religion will not be able to continue in that way. So you should not be extremists, but try to be near to perfection and receive the good tidings that you will be rewarded; and gain strength by worshipping in the mornings, the nights." (See Fath-ul-Bari, Page 102, Vol 1)
Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 2, Number 38

Based on the hadeeth above, I would like to say that it is really true...why burden ourselves over the limit if it will cause us to fall even harder later? Buat setakat yang kita termampu...but at the same time...janganlaa sehingga mengambil jalan mudah kot...masih ingat lagi...masa sekolah rendah dulu..baru tau perkara2 sunat dalam saye cut seshort2 yang boleh solat tuh...especially surah bacaan...memang tak penah nak buat....hehehe...and jemaah pon kalau boleh elak..saye elak....hihi..until satu hari tu...ummi saye came up to me lepas saye escape dari jemaah ngan dia...huhuhu...she said to me ... kenape kita kene bakhil (kedekut) dengan Allah...spend masa untuk bende lain senang2 je...tapi bila datang nak buat ibadah..kita carik short cut....antara lain begitu laa maksud ape yang ummi saye sampai kan pada saye...Alhamdulillah ever since that....saye memang tak cut short dah solat...kecuali time2 kecemasan...terima kasih mi!

Then it brought me to thinking...banyak jugak bende lain selain solat yang kita short cut or ambek jalan mudah...tak mengape kah begitu?..bila kita tau limit untuk menggunakan alasan yang Islam itu mudah dan tak membebankan?...kalau semua nak simple boleh ke?....persoalan nih bugs me for quite a time already...sebab saye sendiri pon among orang yang suke men-simple-kan bende...hehe....what do you think?


Friday, February 8, 2008

pagi buta


sekarang jam 3 pagi. hari jumaat.baru selesai struggle siapkan homework.esok ade kelas lagi.hopefully mampu untuk bangun dan pegi ke kelas.ashwaq jangan malas.minggu ni dah banyak miss class.huhuhu....tapi bukan sengaja....gangguan kesihatan sebab perubahan cuaca(read: saye mengaku saye malas untuk ke class) ...^_^'s always fun if you have something else to blame for your own mistake..but really...bukan sengaja taknak ke class..tapi penat sangat minggu nih...sebab tu tak terbangun untuk ke class.huhuhu.maaf! okay saye nak kene tido dah, if not all this rumbling cam terkene balek kat diri sendri...heh~

good luck pada yang exam esok.good luck pada yang ade homework due esok.good luck pada orang yang da tade ape ape untuk minggu nih.^_^.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008



There was a tornado warning this evening here in budak2 Vandy pon terkena jugaklaa warning nye..and sume tadi berlari2 kalut nak masuk Morgan...which sume orang pon turun ke basement...tempat perlindungan kalau tornado datang...but it was not all that serious..the tornado was only passing by our downtown. It was from somewhere down west of Nashville.

When we were on the way to get our homeworks earlier, the situation was havoc outside....people were running, lighting were stricking...and time tu..terdetik kat hati ... nih baru tornado warning yang kecik dah tak seberapa..dah bunyi sirennye pon hanyut2 je ...macamane kalau ngan hari Akhirat nanti?...dengan bunyi sangkakalanye...dengan lagi dashyatnye keadaan...dengan lagi ramai manusia...and tade tempat macam Morgan dah untuk lari berlindung...cume amal yang kita buat kat dunia nih laa sebagai Morgan kita....

ya Allah, sediakanlah hamba2Mu ini menghadapi hari PembalasanMu..amiin~

p/s: thanks to kak Ena, Nazirah and Dayana yang feed me sampai kenyang ... sekarang dah ngantok ^_^..TIME KACIH =)

Sunday, February 3, 2008

dulu sekarang dan masa mendatang...semua lain

Assalamualaikum... heh~so I'm officially 20 arinih..yeay me!!..heheh....another year that I have to grow up, another year I'm closer to death, another year to increase my amal even more =)


Ya Allah, Ya Tuhanku! Perbaikilah agamaku yang merupakan pengawal urusankanku. Perbaikilah duniaku yang merupakan tempat hidupku. Perbaikilah akhiratku yang merupakan tempat kembaliku; dan jadikanlah kehidupan ini sebagai tambahan dalam setiap kebaikan, serta jadikanlah kematian sebagai istirahat bagiku daripada segala kejahatan


I've changed a lot since 20 years living kat bumi Allah nih...but...the years that I think I really have my own personality is mase Form 1 kot...mase tuh baru tahu what I want and like (eventho bende2 tuh sume tak betul..huhu =p) Changing takes gut..especially changing to doing what is right .... kan?...insyaAllah Allah akan permudahkan jalan kita untuk itu....

~Every dai'e has his past and every thief has his future~

Saturday, February 2, 2008

It is never wrong to dream kann?..heh..someone very dear to me told me before that, "Today's achievement is yesterday's dream"....and I think that is very true because only through these dream can we really set our goal for the future and work to achieve it

One of my personal dream is to own a Mercedes Benz S Class one day and have my mother and father ride with me! insyaAllah...=D .. i'm gonna work hard to make that dream a reality (cliche giler ayat..huhuh) is a picture of it..sweet ride isn't it?...ape lagi people, start DREAMING! ^_^

Friday, February 1, 2008



Here I am...sitting here..behind the reeve desk..on a FRIDAY evening...yess...a very nice evening that I could have spent in my room...makan nasik masjid...kambing..yummm...n then tidooooo~...pastuh lepak2...aihhh...but...what can I do..I'm already here (",) Selamat bekerja Ashwaq~! ^_^ I can't get more lame than this..heh

Alamak!..ade orang ilang beg...cemnaerr ni?..naseb baik tade orang marah sayer yang bekerja nih..but I think thebeg was in front of my eyes jer..and i lost it while it was under my nose....huhuh..and the person is all cranky sekarang nih...cuak2...=( naseb baik Resident Life Coordinator tu ader handle sumer bender...haiihh...semoga Allah sediakan jalan keluar terbaik..amiinn~