Wednesday, August 6, 2008's a secret


Everybody have secrets, no? But there are many types of secrets...secrets you share with some but don't with some, secrets that you don't mind people to know and very2 important secrets that we never want any soul to know are some secrets that I think I can share....hehehe (mencapubb =p)

1. I am secretly afraid that I might be late to my wedding and I won't look good on my wedding day =((

2. I'm very afraid of cicak and lipas...and I don't know sampai biler saye nak takut derang neyh...

3. Saye takut nak dukung baby yang less than 3 months old...saye takut saye terjatuh kan or buat baby tuh nangis....huhuhu

4. Saye malas mandi (nih cam orang boleh tau jer..especially yang rapat ngan saye..haha)

5. Saye takut kawan2 saye tak suke saye

6. I am currently forcing myself untuk makan dua kali sahaja sehari sebab tanak bile balek Vandy nanti orang kate tembam...huhuhu...vain kan sayeee?

7. I'm afraid people will know my deepest and darkest secret >_<

....but...none of our secrets are ever secrets...sebab Allah Maha MENGETAHUI....ya Allah..ighfirly...sesungguhnya Engkau mengetahui apa di dalam hatiku~~ighfirly rabbi~~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

eeeeeiiiii tembammmmmmm huhuhu~