Wednesday, February 13, 2008

PRU 12 Malaysia ..hummm?

So the Prime Minister of Malaysia has finally disperse the Parliament of Malaysia, no shock there because the heat of the election boleh dirase oleh kami yang jauh di benua asing nih pon =) ...

Masa depan negara semuanya ditangan rakyat, rakyat sendiri yang pilih nak kehidupan yang bagaimana...sayang saye berada jauh, dan sayang jugak umur pon tak cukup lagi...huhu~ and I guess it is too early jugak to wish people in Malaysia selamat mengundi memandangkan tarikh penamaan calon and tarikh pilihan raya pon belom umum lagi...but honestly, I'm really excited and looking forward for the election ^_^v...hehe...what kind of plan do they have in store for us this time...moga2 semua bersedia...Allaahu ma'anaa!

Back to my school life here..minggu nih...even though ade 2 exam, satu yang baru lepas tadi and one more coming this Friday, tak sibuk sangat rasenye...Alhamdulillah...and two weeks from Friday SPRING BREAK is here...oh..lupee...harinih snow...but sikit sangat..hehe...tapi takpelaa...nampka putih sikit Vandy pagi tadi...sukee ^_^..heeeheee...excited macam freshmen pulak!.....well...back to Spring Break story, rase nak bejalan dekat2 je kali nih...bekunjung ke rumah kawan..asyik dia aje turun kesinih..teringin jugak naik tempat dia...kann Mui kan?...boleyh ehh?...Jiha..sabar dulu eyh...kite blaja abis2..nanti cuti kite lepak puas2...hehehe...

I'll leave this entry with ayat 46 of Surah Al-Hajj...

Have they not travelled through the land, and have they hearts wherewith to understand and ears wherewith to hear? Verily, it is not the eyes that grow blind, but it is the hearts which are in the breasts that grow blind.


p/s: Nazirah laa nih...heheh..okay update terbaru..penamaan calon is on February 24th and the election will be on March 8th. tq...itusajapesananpenaja....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

semangat betollah PRU12 nehhh.
rs nak balik je.
tp lambat lg..

skang yg paling besh,
spring break!
ooo yeah~
n hubab, aku beli doh tiket bas.
mung jange sibuk tanya aku g ma'now.