I think it is time to update...in time of deep depression and tension and arrrghhhh...geram2...
okay..here are the things that is irritating me at this moment...things I can think of...
1. geram kat sorang nih yang can't do a single thing I ask dia to do...satu je bende ...and satu tuh laa yang tak dapat buat...and dah dua kali okayy....maybe if I'm not in a very depressing mood I'll just let it go, tapi kali nih nak marah jugak...huhuhu
2. tensen dengan senior project punye hal...it's not like I put it up till the very last minute..I work on looking for groups and projects okay...just that..things got a little bit more complicated than I expected....so...end up with having to do a little bit more work...come on...come on...
3. Class Lab yang paling membencikan semester nih...who on earth nak belajar wat Lab Report dengan sangat sangat amat sempurna? Dengan terperincinya lagi mendetailkan cara nak paste graph dalam Words?...huh?..kann?...sangat annoying this class...dengan grading yang sangat lah dan amatlah ketat!...arghh...geram2...kenape kene belajar buat Lab?..kenape kelas nih tak ajar bende yang lebih berfungsi untuk engineer yang bakal grad...seperti...resume ke..cover letter ke...which I think..ramai budak BME rase lebih berguna untuk hidup daripada belajar untuk tulis Lab Report....yang professornye sendiri kate...'this format of writing is just based on what I think should look like'...duhh...insyaAllah ur not going to be my boss...so...takyah aaa suro orang tulis lab report merepek repek...aaaaaaaaaaaaaa.......gerammmnnyeeeeeee T_T
okay...feeling a witte bit better...=|
Ashwaq :)
Rileks2..hehe..take things one at a moment..InsyaAllah dpt settlekan semua..
Pasal senior project tu, hehe..don't worry, I guess every senior has to go through what you've been through, so cheer up ok, things will eventually get better :)
hi fiqah.....ape kabaa?..thanks for the nasehat!
missssss youuuuu~~~
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Sing "Girl Friday" from Butterfingers
InsyaAllah, feel good channel!
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